

 1年前の2023年5月1日にKY insightを起業して、早いものでもう直ぐ1年、税理士さんとそろそろ決算の締めに入らないといけない→請求書は漏れなく全部出して!など、初めての会計年度年度末を迎えています。




起業してこのブログを書いたときに、以前の同僚で、今でも仕事を発注してくださるY氏から「山岡さん、製薬Marketingのhow toを全部ブログに書いてるよね、どうしたの??死ぬ前のdying messageなの??」って冗談を言われたんですが、実際にこのブログも多くの方に読んでいたきまして、自分が持ちうるPharma Marketingの多くの部分はブログに書けたな、というのは、Y氏が言う通りですし、時間があるとき、新ネタがあるときには更新できれば、と思っております。

もうすぐKY insightの1年目が終わりますが、2年目もよろしくお願いいたします!



One year is about to pass since I started KY insight on May 1, 2023.   In my 1st fiscal year, I am hornored to work with 7 companies for

- 7 qualitative research, 9 quantitative researches
- 10+ forecast model
- about 10 marketing trainings

much more than I had originally anticipated.  I (basically) only take projects that I like, so now I am really enjoying (and not stressing about) my work every day. Almost all of the jobs I have received have been from people I have worked with or through their referrals.

Talking with people from various pharmaceutical companies, I strongly feel high demand for "inisight based" marketing skills, how to really use insight, qualitative research that can dig deeper into insight, and how to use that insight in actual business. 

When I started my business and wrote this blog, one of my former colleagues, Mr. Y, joked to me, "Yamaoka san, why you write all how-to's of pharmaceutical marketing in your blog?  Are you writing dying message on the blog?  Are you going to die?".  It's true that I summarized all what I know for pharma "insight" marketing and how to apply to real business and I'M also glad that many people read this blog and get positive feedback.

The first year of KY insight is about to (fiscally) close, I look forward to working with you again in the second year!

Kyota Yamaoka
April 8, 2024